Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Shopping Sense for Plus Size Clothing for both Youth and Women

There are many fashionable plus size clothing companies, offering online shopping convenience, not only for women but for plus size teens and girls ages 7 and up. The online plus size clothing stores often promote special web deals and coupons for their online shopping customers as well. You will enjoy eliminating the often stressful and occasionally embarrassing dressing room ordeal and are much happier ordering your outfits online. You may even find a greater selection and better quality of clothing in your size by shopping online. While most department stores usually have a very limited plus size department, an online plus size store will have every size to suit every woman. Most of the time, if you have a return from you online order you may bring it to the same name, local retail store for exchange or return.

Since clothing sizes are not standardized in the United States, vanity sizing has become a common practice among most major brands of women’s clothing. Vanity Sizing is better described as fooling a woman into thinking she has moved down a dress. For example, size 10 may be the new 8. Clothing comes in specific sizes for babies, toddlers, young girls and boys; juniors, missy, women’s, petite and plus size. For the most part, babies, toddlers and young girls and boys sizes are sized by their age. Sizing becomes much more difficult as we move into the junior clothing, missy clothing and plus size clothing. The same clothing sizes may vary widely among different designers as well as among different name brands by the same designer. Sizes for women’s clothing are most commonly grouped 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and plus or petite sizes. Occasionally, we may still see clothing in small, medium and large but, this seems to be primarily in men and boy sizes. When shopping for women's clothing online, one should refer to the seller's descriptions of size and fit before using the provided sizing charts when shopping online for women’s clothing. Here is good reference for popular online plus size clothing company size charts

For a slimmer look, try to wear similar shades on the top and bottom when putting together an outfit. One thing you may want to keep in mind when choosing your outfits is to keep it simple. Experiment with color and learn what is flattering to your hair and skin tones too. A great classic reference book for “Finding the colors that are perfect for you” is Color Me Beautiful The author, Carole Jackson, helps you determine which colors you would look best in based on the season of colors that fit your skin tone and hair color.

A combination of unhealthy lifestyle choices, genetics and the body’s tendency to store calories as fat are some reasons our society is requiring larger and larger clothing sizes. The first step to going down a dress size is eating well and exercise. If you are interested in taking better care of yourself or helping a friend or loved one take better care of themselves a good reference site is the USDA Food and Nutrition site Eat Smart. Play Hard. Healthy Lifestyle here you will find a calorie burner chart, recipes, menu planning tips and more!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Shopping with Confidence for your safety

Every day I turn on the news I seem to hear about a new recall for toys, food and more! Today I would like to make it easier for you to check out recalls for the products you are purchasing for youself, a friend or a loved one. This morning I am posting some helpful links to make it easier to find the recalls that may pertain to you:

If you are shopping whether online or in your local store for toys and or baby items here is a link to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission for Toy Hazard Recalls

For Pet Owners check out the Pet Food Recall Resource Center the latest includes poultry products for you dog or cat.

Food Safety Recalls includes frozen pot pies, ground beef products and more!